Intravenous antibiotics at home

A private nurse service comes to you for an intravenous antibiotic infusion at the client's home. Intended for patients after surgeries, before surgeries, patients with severe infections due to infection with violent bacteria with a prolonged therapeutic need for long periods . The "Private Nurse" company provides qualified and skilled nurses to perform intravenous antibiotic infusions at the client's home. Most of the above patients have a central catheter such as Pick Line, Hickman or Portacut, the need to use these catheters requires skill and knowledge with aseptic handling and sterile equipment in order to prevent the penetration of infectious agents into the bloodstream. Such an infection can cause to irreversible damage to the heart valves up to the destruction of the valves and lead to valve surgery.
For short periods of antibiotic administration, Vanaflon can be inserted into the vein. At our private nurse service, a certified and skilled nurse will insert Venflon aseptically without pain, connect the fluid infusions with the antibiotics according to the amount required by medical instruction and wait according to the coordination with the family members. At the end of the procedure, the vanaflon is removed.
General blood tests and follow-up tests can be taken through the vanaflon or the central center.
In cases where there are nursing patients with considerable difficulty in inserting Vanaflon, in some cases the antibiotic can be given by intramuscular injection (a doctor should be consulted). Each treatment requires a doctor's referral and independent purchase of medicine.
So how is the procedure performed?
1. מתקשרים אלינו ומציגים את הצורך.
2. מתאמים מועד.
3. A brother / sister comes to you in order to connect/disconnect antibiotics.
We work with Homecure and Teva Home equipment, including their equipment.
With the service of a private nurse, the patient and his family members are spared the trouble of traveling to the clinic, the long and exhausting wait, including the risk of exposure to infections.
Your time is very important, there is no need to bother and worry.
We will come to your home.
Call now and we will advise you.